TentacleTD 2018/12/25 07:20

2018/12/25 進捗報告 - Progress Report

セルとレーン排除 - Cell and Lane Exclusions

Some players who tried the demo felt it was too overwhelming to handle 7 lanes at once. To help with this a little, I put in tech so that individual cells could be disabled at each level. Enemies won't spawn in lanes where no turrets are allowed to be placed. With this, I can limit lanes to 3 or 5 or whatever during the earlier levels and scale it to full 7 lanes later on.

An animation for cells being placed was also made along the way.

Because the cells can be adjusted individually, I can make alternative formations like below.

So far levels 0-4 have been rebuilt with these new tools.

 難易度設定 - Difficulty Settings

I also started working some difficulty settings.


  • おまけ: 簡単にクリアできます。タワーHPが高い。クールダウンは早い。リソースは自動的に回復される。
  • ノーマル: 気軽にクリアできます。
  • ハード - お勧めな設定。 ノーマルよりタワーのHPは低くて、クールダウンも長い。
  • EXTRA - タワーのHPとリソースと収穫に削減があります。緊急キャノンは無いです。ボーナスな難易度設定です。製品版に含めればどうか未定です。

Current Difficulties are as follows:

  • Bonus - Towers are really tough and cooldowns are much faster. Resources are automatically generated.
  • Normal
  • Hard - Recommended Difficulty and the difficulty that was used in the demo. Towers have less health and cool down slower.
  • Extra - A bonus difficulty with tower health and resource reduced depending on the level. No emergency cannons. I've not yet decided if this difficulty will be in the final release version.

その他・マイナー作業 - Other Minor Work

  • セルベリックタワーの射体の衝突グラフィックをやり直しました。
  • レベルが終わるとタイマーが見えるにしました。超兵器とコントロールセルのレベルで役に立つかもしれません。

  • Changed the impact graphics for Cerberic towers to be cleaner

  • Added a timer to show how long the level was. Possibly useful for Super Weapon and Control Cell levels.



